Cerakote European Union | How long does Cerakote last?

How long does Cerakote last?

Cerakote European Union | How long does Cerakote last?

The Cerakote product range is made up of speciality coatings each with their own optimised application depending on the use, here we will break down each product range and how long you can expect you Cerakote Application to last.


Rapid Ceramic Paint Sealant

Application our our Rapid Ceramic Paint Sealant will last for several months providing you with excellent paint protection. This will depend however on: application efficiency, weather exposure, vehicle washing frequency and wear & tear of the vehicle.

Manteau de garniture 

We are confident here at Cerakote that your vehicles trims will be protected that we offer a 200 wash guarantee for Trim Coat. In reality this translates to around 2 years of ceramic protection to the applied trims. As with other Cerakote products this can vary dependant on several factors. 

Cerakote Ceramic Headlight Restore

With our headlight restore kit we are confident that the coating will last for the lifetime of the vehicle that we provide this guarantee with all kits. You can expect many years of high performance ceramic coating with this product.

Cerakote Speciality Coatings 

Within our wide range of speciality coatings there is some variation in lifetime due to the unique composition designed for high-performance applications. We put Cerakote to the test in our essais de produits series for outdoor corrosion, salt spray corrosion and many more. Find out why Cerakote is the very best thin-film protection for your application ici



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