Recommended Cure Temperatures: Cerakote® can be cured at the maximum Recommended Cure Temperature listed in the All in one TDS, based on color and substrate. Standardized curing temperature for H-Series is done at 250°F for 2 hours following a 15 minute ambient flash time. Standardized curing temperature for E-Series is 300°F for 1 hour following a 15 minute ambient flash time. Please reference the Cerakote® Elite and H-Series Application Guide for additional cure schedule information.

Cure schedule for H-Series & Elite Series

  • Elite Series: 300 Degrees F for 1 Hour
  • H-Series: 250 Degrees F for 2 Hours
  • Flash Cure: (stencils) 150 – 180 Degrees F for 10 – 25 Minutes
  • Plastics or Polymer: 150 – 180 Degrees F for 2 Hours
  • Wood: 150 Degrees F for 2 Hours
  • Carbon fiber or Fiber Glass: 150 Degrees F for 2 Hours

Tips on Curing

  • Check for hot spots in your oven, using an IR (infrared) thermometer. Heating elements can create hot spot that may cause degradation in Cerakote aesthetics.
  • Do not place coated parts into direct head i.e. flame, or copper heating elements.
  • Convection style ovens are ideal for consistent heat distribution throughout the oven.

For more information, you can check out our Training Manual: